To agency owners who want to scale...

How I Scaled To 82+ High Ticket Sales Per Month In A Single Niche For 4 Straight Years By Using a Different Model...

...and How My Private Clients Have Cloned My Info-Agency Model™ In 100+ Other Niches

Read Time: 7min

From the iPhone of Alex Hormozi, President of Niche High Ticket Sales & Pirate of Profits 
(elected by no one respectable)
Austin, TX

Now I'm guessing this isn't your first landing page with a sexy headline or a big promise. 

And I'll get to that in a second.

But let me ask you a question...

Do you ACTUALLY want to... 

...scale your agency quickly?

...make lots of money?

...get awards that make you feel empty inside?

...get enough success that everyone in your life begins to secretly hate you?

...make so much money that you have an existential crisis?

Great. Then you and I want the same things...

Like this nice house. 

Anyways, although I cannot help you navigate the counter reactions to success, I can help you create enough money you can try and figure it out on your own. 

If you have failed to grow your agency as fast as you want, it's not your fault. 

Let's face it, there's a lot of bad information out there and it can be confusing. 

I am just now entering this space and seeing all sorts of craziness being spouted by people who made their money *selling* the dream, not actually *doing* it. 

And the wrong information can keep you from hitting your goals more than anything else. 

-->Think - running in the wrong direction really hard.  

If you have been concerned that you can't - or you'll *never* - get the...

That you desire. 

I'm here to tell you - that's BS. 

You absolutely can. 

In fact, it's easier now than it's ever been. 

You just have to have the RIGHT MODEL- and you will be able to unlock the growth that's been sitting in front of you this entire time. 

The reason most people don’t succeed is that “gurus” are selling the METHODS like...

...VAs Cold Emailing ($3/hr do the dirty work for you)

...Cold Calling (top secret script - FYI - they’re all fundamentally the same)

...Cold Messenger (top secret - FYI - you just need to do 100-200/day and you’ll figure it out)

...Working Groups (top secret - FYI - you add people to the group, ask people to comment for a free thing every week, then DM them to get them to book a call)

...Paid Ads (top secret - FYI - landing page to a schedule page to a 2-step phone sale)

And guess what - They ALL WORK

How do I know? -->I’ve used them all (and still do).


For many - none of them work. 

So what gives? 


The MODEL matters more than the METHOD.

If you get the MODEL right, then all METHODS will work for you. 

But if you don't, you'll just keep hopping from course to course wondering why it's not working.

Bottom line-->You just need to have a model that allows you to make more per customer than anyone else. 

When that happens you will ALWAYS be able to get as many customers as you please using ANY method.

Just for a second...Imagine being able to pay $5000, $7000, $10,000+ to acquire customer. 

How much easier would marketing be? 

(As someone who's been able to do that, I'll tell ya - it's a LOT easier. In fact, I'm not that good at the marketing side. I just have always been pretty good at the model stuff)

^One guy to another guy: 
"Man, that's a lot more green"

Other guy: "Sure is"


When you finish this page, you will know why an Info-Agency™ Performance Model is the key to:

...getting all the customers

...helping all the peoples

...making all the monies

...and yes, all the fancy awards

Who am I? And why should you spend a second longer here...?

My name is Alex Hormozi. 

In the past 4 years I've had the amazing chance to scale my company Gym Launch to $100,000,000+ in sales...

I've had the good fortune to be able to give back to causes I am passionate about. 

My wife & I gave $1,500,000 to help children get the opportunity to succeed. I say this so you think I'm a half-decent human being. 

Jokes aside - it's something I care a lot about. You can go here to learn more: 

And I've had the opportunity to meet & create real relationships with some of my lifelong heroes...

I used to listen to Arnold's rules of success speech on repeat every morning while I used to go to work to get the balls to quit my job. It took me over 9 months to finally pull the trigger.

I've been featured in all the standard publications that you pay $500 to be featured in. 

Like these...

But most importantly...

I've helped over 1000+ small business owners reach 6 figures

Over 63+ Reach 7 figures

3 hit 8 figures (and counting). 

And that was awesome.

Until I lost everything...

Just a few months ago, I had the *unique* opportunity to go "back in time" and be in the same situation some of you may be. 

Back to square one.

One minute, I'm married to the girl I love. 

I want to start a family with her. 

I want to provide in a way that makes her proud of me...

On top of dad...he finally says he thinks I'm "good" at what I do and that I didn't make a mistake not becoming a doctor...

Then like that *snap of fingers*

The shutdowns happened...

And overnight my worst nightmares became true...

My clients...gym owners...weren't allowed to be in business.

And as a result... lead flow went from a torrential down pour the Sahara Desert

And our marketing was losing money





So did what any of us would do -  I scrambled.

...I tried 9 different marketing campaigns

...changes my sales team compensation

...changed my pricing packages

But nothing worked the way I had hoped.

And all I could think about was letting my wife down, my team down, and by extension their families down.

And keeping this 100% transparent... 

...that wasn't even my biggest fear.

My biggest fear was that I'd be seen as a one-hit wonder...

...and people laughing at me behind my back.

...and my dad telling me "I told you all this internet stuff isn't a *real* should have become a doctor"

And all these scenarios made me feel sick to my stomach even thinking about.

I just kept wondering "How am I going to dig my way out of this?"

At first I thought, what about I just switch to an agency model?

But the problem was...

Most agencies don't make any money...

...that's why the gurus teach them and don't do them.

Here's why...


#1 Agencies don't make enough money up front to market aggressively

#2 They don't make enough money over time (retainers suck)

#3 They aren’t profitable (11-20% net margins)

#4 They aren’t fun to run because you are a slave to your masters (clients)

Let me explain...

#1 Agencies don't make enough money up front because they are a commodity.

Meaning - a prospect looks at you, looks at your ads, and looks at your competitors, does not see enough of a difference, so simply makes a choice based on price. With the lowest price winning.  

That means low to no cash up front. 

That makes marketing REALLY hard.

This is a race to the bottom. 

No bueno. 

#2 On top of that, agencies run retainer models which churn out clients...FAST

Small businesses hate recurring bills and constantly look at you every month to see whether or not they think you were “worth it.” 

What's worse - every month - 1 of 4 clients cancels (industry avg). 

Again, after paying to acquire them, paying to get them onboarded, they only leave a couple months later (that sucks). 

#3 Most agencies aren't that profitable because the cost of acquisition is so high, and it costs a lot to get someone going, and maintain the relationship, make the creative, the copy, the funnels, and oh yea, place the traffic.

→ In case you didn't know, the industry average agency net margin is 11% to 20% 
(Source: Agency Analytics). 

So, yea, that “2 comma club award” they take all those pictures in front of…

...means they only profited between $110k and $200k ( $1M x 11-20%)
...over the entire time they had run their agency.
...that could have happened over 2-3 years now divide that $110k-$200k by 2-3
…and you're left with $40k to $65k/yr (!!)

I don't know about you, but I’m not trying to make the same amount I could just driving Uber and not worrying about anything. 

#4 Normal agencies suck because you are in a master-servant relationship with clients. 

Clients always want...

...More leads

...Cheaper Leads

...Better Leads

...Don't work their leads

...Lie about not working their leads

...And always see you as a cost or a middleman between their ad spend and their sales. 

In other can never be cheap enough.

It’s just a sh*tty setup. The incentives are inherently misaligned. 

So how do you fix it?

I honestly didn't know until...

My wife one day was like

"Wouldn't it be cool if we could just charge people on the amount of money we made them?"

And that's when it hit me. 

What if there were a different model?

A model that perfectly aligned me with my customer...

...where I could monetize ALL the value I created.

...and could turn my clients OUTCOMES into INCOME

--->An Info-Agency™ Performance Model

...Which would allow me to effortlessly get customers.

...and make MORE per client than I did with high ticket coaching

...with zero risk to them

...and zero churn for me, since it would only be based on performance

And on top of that, to make it even more irresistible...

I would also solve their biggest pain point..

By working their leads for them...

Not some rink-dink automation, but truly removed all effort.

So as far as they were concerned, they just pay for ad spend...

...and people would walk in their door.

And I would get paid for




So over the next 7 days we remade our entire business with new marketing, offers, scripts, funnels, trainings...

And we went from: 

-2:1 ---> 6:1

...on our marketing OVERNIGHT


...which I'll get to in a second [it's soooo good]

So here's what happened next:

And our business was saved.

Within 14 weeks had gone from $0 to $635,000/mo in revenue.

But what was cooler was having...

My wife say "I knew you'd figure it out"

My dad say "I never doubted you"

And NOT having to lay off scores of employees because of the shutdowns.

And having our clients LOVE the model. 

Imagine for a second that you stumbled on something like this?

If you're anything like me, you would be excited about it and tell everyone you knew. 

And so I did. 

And people began to ask me...

"Do you think The Info-Agency™ Performance Model will work in my space too?" 

So I took 10 agency owners under my wing for a test run...

A Chiro Agency
An Online Fitness Agency
Two Dental Agency
A Physical Therapy Agency
A Real Estate Agencies
A Home Services Agency
Two Gym Agencies
And Even A Float Tank Agency

Here are their actual numbers...

And yes, please notice that if you do nothing, you get nothing (bottom two). Business takes work. 

But all in all...

Each agency was able to go from $0/mo in performance revenue to an average of...

...$6000/mo by Month 1

...$19,000/mo by Month 2

...$34,000/mo, Month 3 (!!) ADDITIONAL REVENUE

With the top 20% of agencies cracking $80k/mo within their first 90 days. 

Pause for a second. Insane.

Now let me tell you about one of those 10 agency owners...

Meet Alex Grieco...

Alex wanted to grow his agency. 

He had tried 3-4 mentors before (all the biggest ones you've heard of). 

He had signed up for their highest level programs ($80k in total). 

Some told him to sell he did that. 

Others told him to run a retainer he did that. 

Everything worked, but never enough to make real money. 

So he was always in debt. 

He needed a new way of doing things that allowed him to both make a lot of money up front (like courses) but with also get money over time like an agency. 

He saw a post I made early on about the advantages of an Info-Agency™ Performance Model and took the leap. 

Within 8 weeks he paid off all of his debt AND hit an all time bank account record (the best kind of record imo).

He signed up 21 clients in 90 days at $4000 a pop and already had his performance back end at $30,000+/mo. 


Mike had a totally different story...

Mike was a single dad.

He had two young boys and was also a brick & mortar business owner. 

He had been following my materials for a while. 

When he saw my post about this he reached out and asked if he could start from scratch. 

I didn't intend on helping someone new, but he wasn't new to business, just online business. 

So I agreed and he followed my Info-Agency™ Performance Model to a T. 

...Within 60 days he hit his first $50,000 month. 

He was making more PROFIT from his Info-Agency™ than his brick & mortar business he had spent 5 years building. 

And he got to do it from home so he could be with his sons. 

So how does an 
Info-Agency Model™ make so much more money...?

Well, it all started with a guy named Jay Abraham (he is famous for having consulted with companies that amount to $21.7B in revenue).

Anyways, I saw him speak at an event and he stated 

"There are only 3 ways to grow a business"

And I was way, there have to be more, right? 

But when he showed all three, I couldn't think of a way that wasn't within one of those 3 growth buckets.

The growth model went like this...

The Only 3 Ways To Grow A Business...

#1 ACQUIRE: You Can Get More Clients 

#2 ASCEND: You Can Get Them To Pay More

#3 RESELL/RETAIN: You Can Get Them To Buy More Times

And the Info Agency 
Performance Model, it turns out DID ALL THREE

Let's dive into...

#1 Get More Clients

When I made the performance offer to the marketplace

...Pay me one time

...No retainer

...I'll generate leads for you

...I'll work your leads for you

...Only pay me after the people show up - so you have the money from the sale to pay me.

Check out what happened to our ad click through rate...
[it went up 19x]

So we started getting exponentially more booked appts for a fraction of what we used to pay.


...because our offer was so good

We 2.5x our closing percentage AT 5x HIGHER PRICES

We went from $1,000 down to $5,000+ down.

And this wasn't just us, others were able to sell for a lot more than $5k down...

Like Joey in a medical space...
...prior to this his biggest MONTH was $11k and NOW he was selling $10ks UP FRONT.

...Since there was no other fee, people would pay WAY more since it was ONE TIME ONLY.

And they did it because it saved them money. 

We would just say:
"Instead of paying an agency $20,000/yr and someone to work your leads $20,000/yr, you're going to get all that for a one time fee of $5000. Then only pay us again after you've had time to collect money from making the sales."

So that checked off growth factor #1: Get more clients

But what about growth factor 

#2 Get Them To Pay More

Well, because it was based on performance...

We had clients going from paying us $2500/mo for coaching to...

All in all, we were able to make up to 6x more PER CLIENT (!!)

Because now we were aligned with their outcomes.

And they just kept saying "We want more"

And every time they asked for more clients in the door, our pay went up!

Take a look...

Yes, you are reading that correctly. 



Could you imagine getting paid 




...From a SINGLE client?

Yea, us neither, which is why I took the time to write this out and explain it. 

Back to the point...

With performance - we were able to check off growth box #2

#2 Get them to pay more ✅

So the final question was..but did these clients stay longer?

Did they keep buying more times?

Well...look & see.

#3 Get Them To Buy More Times (Retention)

At the end of the day, people pay for value. 

And they keep paying as long as they perceive that they're getting more than they are paying. 

That's foundational economics. 

It looks like this:

But the problem is, if you have a fixed fee, the moment anything happens, or the client PERCEIVES less value (or sees someone cheaper)...

...they leave. 

Like this...

But with performance, once you establish how much a person walking into the business is worth to them... 

...then the only question remaining is


You either send more or less.

And get paid according to your value - more or less.  

But the question of cancelling isn't a thought. 

So whether you get more leads or less leads...

...The value discrepancy remains the same between what they pay you, and the value they receive. 

THAT is the magic of performance. 

It looks like this:

And ideas and pictures are cool.

But what happened to our churn then?

Glad you asked.

Our cancellation percentage got cut massively...

And best of all, these numbers held across ALL of our agencies. 

...not just us. :)

So we kept clients

3.5x long!

Checking off the third growth box:

#3 Get Them To Buy More Times ✅

So in the end we were able to 




So using all 3 growth models, the Info-Agency Model was able to radically transform my business and we were able to sell 250+ new businesses and $1.5M in just over 3 months. 

But it wasn't just my business that was transformed. 

Check out Sage & Devin's story

They just wanted more than anything to be successful and scale their agency.

They had bought all the courses.

Tried some retainer work with some success.

But could never really crack $100k/mo.

What they didn't know at the time was...they needed a different MODEL not method.

So, they saw my post, hopped on the phone. 

Understood the math, and jumped in with two feet

And went from 

Here's what happened next...

They sold 10 high ticket clients in their first WEEK and hit their first $100k+ month. 

What's even cooler is that they've continued to grow and are now doing over $240k/mo (!!). 

PROFITING over $1M/yr kids in their twenties

Let me introduce you to Adam

He wanted to make more money to support his new family.

Besides winning the award for cutest son.

He had started his agency from scratch.

He was at around $20k/mo but had trouble scaling. 

And on top of that, it was always FEAST OR FAMINE

Some months he would ride high after closing a few deals in a week. 

Then NOTHING...for weeks. 

Until he saw one of our ads and reached out about the Info-Agency Performance Model

After he made the switch, within 60 days he was pacing $500,000/yr. 

And his clients LOVED it. 

And best of all, it gave him the freedom to make more consistent money because he didn't have to worry about clients churning out. 

It gave him the peace of mind to actually be present with his family. 

I could go on and on, but instead. 

Let me ask you a question...

Do you think you could be successful using this Model?

Hopefully you nodded yes

But I'll give you my .02

...As long as you are coachable, and don't think you're smarter than data, then yes

That being said...if these numbers seem unachievable for you, then just ask yourself

"If they can do this with this model, can I do 1/10th of that with this model?”

You bet your ass you can. 

That being said, success isn't for everyone. 

I joked at the beginning, but your peer group WILL hate you. It's just human nature. Everyone roots for you to do better. Just not better than them. 

Besides an iron stomach, as always, it takes work, real effort, and being flexible enough to learn & adapt as markets change. 

But this model, will give you the best chance at profiting compared to your competitors. 

And if you will allow me...

I'd Like to Make You An Offer...

If you’ve gotten this far, then you have the attention span to be successful with The Info-Agency Performance Model™. 

And assuming you already know how to run ads at a basic level (you can google it for free - you're welcome). 

YOU (yes, you reading this) are who I am looking for. 

Here's why...

I'm looking to partner with agencies who are looking to scale. 

Because I too - run a performance model. 

Here's My Offer...

...Pay me one time

...No recurring fee

...And I’ll give you everything I’ve built and tested to scale our niche lead gen business to $138,762/day.

...And I’ll have My 8F Marketing Director & Traffic specialist help you with your ads/funnels/traffic to get customers pouring in consistently (we've been doing this for 4 years)

...My 8F Top High Ticket Sales Specialist who ALONE has closed over $10M to coach you and your team through the perfecting the sale so it becomes as easy as taking orders 

...My TWO Mulit-8F operators who scaled our business to 1000+ active clients help you scale your team & put SOPs in place. 

...And of course, you’ll have me to help you maximize profit and get you unstuck to keep you moving towards your goal

And to make it even sweeter, I'll give you TWO guarantees

As long as you are doing over $5000/mo, I will continue to coach you for free, for good. 

#2 My "I'll Make This Model Work In Your Niche" GUARANTEE:
As long as you are setting appointments: in-person, on zoom, over the phone, or for home services...I guarantee we can make this model work in your niche:

If that's interests you, apply below...


Why am I holding nothing back?

Because I make money when you do. 

This isn't a traditional coaching program. 

I'm not interested in selling you my "$10k course"

I know our stuff works, so I'm looking for people who want to grow a

And as a downside risk reversal for you...

If you don't make money, I don't make money. 

Fair enough?


If you are skeptical - GOOD, you should be. 

The internet is full of "mama's basement gurus" and 
"haven't done it Harry's"

You can check out more proof below. 

Info-Agency Model PROOF For More Experienced Agencies...

And for those just starting...

If you're still not convinced - the only question is this...

Is it worth gambling 15min of your time to see if this system could work for you?

If yes, then click the button. Can't wait to meet you. 

IMPORTANT: Alex Hormozi is an experienced professional marketer. He does not claim that you will earn the same amount as he will. All business includes risk. Earnings and income representations made by Alex Hormozi and and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "HireAlan") are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results
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